Navigate through the realities of modern dating and relationships.

Do Facebook and Instagram Know Who Your Crush Is?

Tell me that you also find your crush’s profile icon across most of the social media applications like Facebook and Instagram on your phone.  As much as we like seeing the face that makes our hearts flutter, it’s also quite eerie to feel like they’re following us around no matter which app we use at the time of day. The question is do Facebook and Instagram know who your crush is?

Do Facebook and Instagram Know Who Your Crush Is? Read More »

Screw wanting to be in a relationship. Being Single Rocks!

I’m tired of feeling sorry for myself for something I can’t have. I’m exhausted from wasting my energy hoping that the guy I’m talking to might also want a relationship. I’m done letting people in when they have no intention of staying for longer than a second.

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9 Online Dating Stages for Serious or Long-Term Relationships

How does one exactly find a serious relationship out of online dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, OkCupid, etc.? What stages do couples who met online undergo to turn from total strangers to long-term partners? Is there some sort of pattern or consecutive flow of events to anticipate or possibly prepare for? Is there a map one can follow to navigate their way through dating apps to arrive at their desired destination: an actual relationship?

9 Online Dating Stages for Serious or Long-Term Relationships Read More »

9 Possible Reasons Why We Tend to Want Someone We Can’t Have

One of the questions that’s been at the back of my mind lately is “Why do we always tend to want someone we can’t have?”. For a while now, I’m noticing that we humans tend to be attracted to people who aren’t interested in us. And these people we do like, are also drawn to other people who possibly don’t like them back.

9 Possible Reasons Why We Tend to Want Someone We Can’t Have Read More »

11 Steps to Finally Get Over Your Quarantine Fling! (or Someone You Met on Dating Apps)

Is your quarantine fling or “quaranfling” still talking to you? Has the excitement of meeting on online dating apps and getting to know each other turned into frustrating dry conversations and promises likely to be broken? Do you even think you’ll meet each other in person at this point?

11 Steps to Finally Get Over Your Quarantine Fling! (or Someone You Met on Dating Apps) Read More »