It’s not only the New Year, but we’re also welcoming another decade. It is a clean slate and a brand new beginning. Let’s already claim the new year to be our year and start off the decade with an optimistic mindset and a can-do attitude.
What’s the Point of New Year’s Resolutions Anyways?
During this pocket of time, you’ll for sure be hearing of cliche new year’s resolutions or promises of having a healthier lifestyle, being more productive, and making exciting plans of doing something new. By this time, you may already be tired of the entire concept and seeing all of those first-chapter-of-a-whole-new-book posts in social media and I honestly can’t blame you.
Nothing will actually change when the clock strikes 12:00 and the fireworks start tearing up the sky in bright neon colors. After the holidays, we still have to come back to the same life and deal with anything that life throws at us. For sure, there will be problems after problems, and why would we want to add to that by setting up more challenges for us to face? Who’s got the energy for that, right? Why bother?
Take the New Year as Another Chance
But isn’t that the point? If we give up on ourselves and then, nothing will change in our lives. Even if we might fail, shouldn’t we at least try? Can we believe in ourselves enough to know that we can actually do it? Deep within ourselves, there is this need to become better, better at school, better at our job, better at doing what we love and just living a better life. You might think it’s impossible, but it’s not.
This is the time for us to let things go, to start fresh. Let’s not carry the things that will no longer help us in the new year. Remove anything that is holding you back or slowing you down. Leave them in the past and bring only the lessons you learned. If you’ve admittedly made mistakes you regret, forgive yourself. You can make amends by doing better moving forward.
Greet the New Year with Resolutions for a Better You!
Look back and take the time to think things over. What are the things that you want and how can you get them? Be as specific and list as many goals as you’d like. Whatever those may be, it is possible. Decide and take charge of your life because you are in control. Make those things happen in your life by first learning how, and then just going after them. Commitment, discipline and a whole lot of work is what it’s gonna take, are you up for it?
Don’t waste your time anymore and stop making excuses because the longer you put things off, the less likely you’re actually gonna do them. Focus and remove all of the unnecessary distractions that will only get in your way. Always follow through especially for the promises you made to yourself and other people. Match your words with actions and remember that the first steps will always be shaky, but consistency is key.
To a Better Decade and a Better You. Cheers!
We all want to become better and with that, we have to make a few changes. Learn what it takes to get what you desire and work towards that direction. It’s never really easy or simple, but enough optimism can get us started. Develop more productive habits and open yourself up to opportunities you usually just watch pass you by.
Things take time and it is not guaranteed that you’ll get everything you’ve dreamed up for the year because time can honestly pass by so quickly. But, I’m sure that when you’re waiting for the clock to strike 12:00 to greet 2021, you’ll realize how far you’ve come! And that, started because you decided to finally believe in yourself and actually take that chance.
So, what do you want your New Year to look like? How about the rest of the decade? I personally want to finally fix up my life and be a little more organized. A regular consumption of knowledge coupled with consistent action should propel this rocket ship into outer space, a universe of open possibilities for this exciting decade of adventure, surprises and probably a whole lot more of my existential turmoil. See you in the next year guys!
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Sam Bither
hope it is gonna be a better year
Dominique W. Brooks
I agree! We need to try to make every year better than the last!
Sadiq Saleem
I pray that 2020 will be the better year for everyone. Happy new year to all the people.
Marjie Mar
I am ready to make it happen. Let’s have a blessed and prosperous 2020 year.
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