Trying Boxing Classes ft. Elorde Boxing Gym

Let’s be honest, going to the gym can get boring. You’re doing the same work-outs several times a week, but what exactly for? Where will you actually use that strength and muscle you’re gaining? What purpose does it serve aside from your next IG thirst pic?

Seeing that there wasn’t much improvement in my body over time, I was starting to get lazier with my visits to the gym. I didn’t challenge myself anymore and felt like I needed excitement, to have more fun. And what’s more fun than punching people in the face?

These are Dangerous Times, I’m Like Scared.

And with today’s dangerous times with so many reports of criminality in the news, you can’t help but feel paranoid that any minute you’ll be a victim of a violent crime. And aside from being smart by being prepared at all times, you also have to know how to protect yourself. I had to stop being the helpless little damsel in distress I always imagined myself as. Nobody’s gonna be there to save me for sure. And now that I do have strength, I have to learn how to use it to defend myself.

Trying Boxing Classes ft. Elorde Boxing Gym

Looking stupid and making an absolute fool of myself was so not new to me and that is exactly what happened every minute I spent trying to learn Boxing at Elorde Boxing Gym in Arnaiz Ave, Makati. I have zero knowledge about Boxing or Fitness, but I will share with you my hilarious experience and hopefully, you’d want to try it out too!

“Your Hands Can Smell Like Feet”

I didn’t own a pair of boxing gloves and wraps then so I had to rent a pair for Php. 100.00 (Php 75 for the boxing gloves, Php 25 for the hand wraps). I would advise investing on your own set though. It will cost to about Php 1,200 pesos because rented wraps and gloves will leave a very stinky smell on your hands after the session, and it doesn’t wash off easily.

“Revoke My Gay License, I Can’t Jump Rope”

My trainer, Coach Jun started me up with a full body warm up exercise and we did jump ropes for cardio. Don’t you just find it weird how jumping rope is actually part of the workout routine for boxing? Like didn’t we always consider it as such a girly and gay thing to do? But, it’s not as simple as it looks and it really does put you through such a sweat if like, you can stop tripping over the rope every other jump.

Boxing is more than just punching left and right. Of course, I never knew how to punch so it was such as surprise to learn that your shoulders should actually move as well. Your fist should always be in front of your face, left foot in front of your right and the right foot has to twist as your deliver a straight punch. I felt so sorry for my coach. He had a super difficult time with me cause I could never get any of the forms right. There was so much to learn and I was literally staring at him as my brain was slowly buffering, processing everything he was telling me.

Boxing Training Routine for Beginners

The training routine that my coach put me through consists of several work outs, where you just throw punches until the bell rings signaling that a round has ended. After shaking off my awkwardness and forcing my body movements to coordinate, I was finally able to throw the very basic punches that he thought me.

christian foremost boxing

Punching Bags

We moved over to the punching bag to practice delivering punches and you just really have to go for it, left, right, left, right. Nothing is holding you back and I found boxing to actually be thrilling in a way. I felt like every punch was like a jab to every single thing in life that pissed me off. It felt good in a way to know that I fought back. Even if I didn’t necessarily solve my issues, at least, I got some of the anger and frustration out.

Boxing Mitts

After getting warmed up from the punching bag, we moved over to Boxing Mitts. I had to punch the Boxing Mitts my coach was wearing as he dictates which punches to throw. This is my favorite part of the training because you get to move around and face an actual person. No you still can’t punch him in the face! Haha. You had to maintain your proper form though wherever you go and with every punch you throw.

I really tested my coach’s patience because he was really annoyed how I would punch like how one “baby fights”, clawing my fist in a circular motion before they go back in front of my face, instead of simply pulling them back in place. It’s also funny how I would lift my right leg up in the air with every straight punch I threw. Hahaha. I certainly looked ridiculous, like I was trying to dance instead of actually box. I felt so embarrassed for him because his co-coaches may be teasing him because of how funny I looked. Girls were doing so much better than me, and I was already trying my hardest.

Speed Ball

In boxing they also wanted train your speed and like accuracy. There’s the Speed Ball and Hanging Ball for that. You have to get in the rhythm and throw your punches at the right time the bag bounces back. It was hard at first just because of how slow I was reacting. Like, I always had to think things through before actually just moving my body. Hahaha. After that, we had 2 more rounds of Boxing Mitts and then, abs work-outs before cooling down and finishing the hour-long class for the day.

“I Improved, Okay! I Don’t Punch Like a Sissy Anymore!”

With the total of 6 boxing classes I took, I can say that I’ve improved, but definitely did not get past the beginner level. I’m super amazed at everyone else in the gym because they were already doing so many things that still weren’t part of my routine. I understand that you just don’t become a boxer with just a few boxing classes. I mean I still have a long way to go. I am so heavy on my feet, soft with my punches and rusty on my delivery. I am definitely not ready to go sparring with anyone, or like actually win a fight against a criminal. If put in an unfortunate scenario, my advice is just give everything and run as fast as you can! Hahaha.

You Should Try Boxing Classes at Elorde Boxing Gym!

I would like to continue on my boxing fitness journey because it is really fun and liberating. New things are exciting and one should never fear giving something a try. I’d like to invite you to join me!

Elorde Boxing Gym offers boxing classes at Php. 200 for members and Php. 300 for non-members per session. Membership fee is Php. 1000.00 per year. If you want to challenge yourself more and bring your kicks in the game, you should try out Muay Thai which they also offer at Php. 300 for members and Php. 400 for non-members per session

Let’s throw our biggest fists to the sky cause aren’t we already champions in life? No matter what you’re going through, you can handle it one punch at a time.

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Kathleen Grace
OMG is this a sign? Hahaha. I’ve been thinking of trying boxing then I read this! Very affordable, infairness! 😍

I love the “your hands can smell like feet” because that is so TRUE!!! Hahaha. Boxing is indeed a good punching martial art. But if you are looking to really DEFEND yourself, then your best bet is KALI Ma.

I’m sooo curious in this gym since I’ve read so many positive feedback on their service. My friend also box here

Adventures with Docah
Wowww! Looks like you enjoyed it! We wanted to try boxing but never had the chance to really do it. Thanks for giving us the idea!

Amazing naman to! I had no interest in boxing but after seeing this feel ko na sya haha

Jean Ricamata
When will I ever get back to sport again… =-) I want to try boxing ever since, it’s just… I need time hahaha. Literally

I envy your super active lifestyle! Last time you had spin class, now boxing! I need to be active to lose weight and be healthier. Keep on writing about them, konti na lang mag sign na ko haha!

Your blog post makes me want to try boxing! For women, I think it’s a very nice training for self-defense.

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0 thoughts on “Trying Boxing Classes ft. Elorde Boxing Gym”

  1. Pingback: Trying Yoga Jump-Started My Fitness Journey – Christian Foremost, Your Gay Best Friend | Philippines

  2. i’ve always wanted to do boxing. but i can’t find one near my place here in Seoul:-(… great for you that you are doing this.

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