Try Screen Time for iOS – Limit your Social Media Usage this Pandemic

Don’t you think it’s about time for another Social Media Cleanse? With everything you’re seeing on your feed or reading on your timeline, don’t you agree that social media is just super toxic for your mental health right now? Imagine being here in the Philippines during this pandemic. It seems like for a long time for weeks and weeks, you’ll always learn something from the news that will just drive you crazy with anxiety, frustration, anger, and for me, hopelessness.

Try Screen Time for iOS - Limit your Social Media Usage this Pandemic

No, we can’t avoid being in social media right now because we have nothing much to do while we’re stuck in our homes for the time being. Social media is a big part of our lives now and it keeps us connected to our friends and the world. If we can’t delete it, maybe there a way to limit our daily usage? Maybe that will help ease the mental burden?

And guess what? I discovered an app just for that in my phone. This week, I’m sharing with you guys my Social Media Cleansing experience using the Screen Time app of Apple iOs. For Android Users, you can check out my blog on Social Media Cleanse: 7 Ways to Disconnect for creative ways to get out of social for a while.

Try Screen Time for iOS to Limit your Social Media Usage this Pandemic

For Apple Users, the Screen Time app is already downloaded on your phone. You might recognize it as the one tracking the number of hours per day you’re using certain apps. But, did you know that you can actually customize its settings to limit your social media usage or control how much time you spend on you social media apps?

Open up your iOs device and follow through these simple steps to set it up:

  1. Open “Screen Time” in your Setting App

2. Set a passcode

3. Go to “App Limits”

4. Tap on “Add Limit”

5. Choose “Social Networking”

6. Pick the social media apps for your Social Media Cleanse. Click “Next” afterwards

7. Set the limit or time of how long you want to limit on your social media usage everyday. You can also click on “Customize Day” if you want different time limits for certain days of the week.

8. Choose specific days and set your preferred time limits for each. Just click “Back” when you’re done.

9. Last set would be to click “Add” to save your new App Limit or Social Media Cleanse

Once you’ve used up your social media time for the day, you’ll receive this message and then your apps will be blocked. You won’t be able to use them for the rest of the day.

Don’t worry though because they will give you a warning when you have only 5 minutes left. You can also extend by one more minute after the limit, but that’s it. The only way to use your apps again is to reconfigure your settings.

My Social Media Cleanse Experience with Screen Time

Personally, I’m only doing a Social Media Cleanse for Twitter and Instagram because that’s where I find it most toxic. I don’t do it for Facebook though because as a blogger, that’s where I do most of my engagement work. Although, I am doing this for the Facebook Messenger app because I know for a fact that he’s not going to reply anyway so I might as well not be tempted to send messages, right?

I only use social media for 30 minutes on weekdays and then, 1 hour and 30 minutes on weekends. It might be too little of a time, but I’m trying to really discipline myself and save up my social media time because it has become somewhat valuable. But of course, you guys can choose the apps and set the time limits you prefer depending on your personal needs.

It’s actually so weird everyday when my social media time is up, I’m forced to be more present with what I’m doing or choose other things to keep me occupied like watching movies or reading books. It does get easier every day. I feel like I not only have to time dedicated to be productive, but to relax and unwind as well.

Give Social Media Cleansing a try!

So if your mental health is already suffering because of too much time on social media, using this app will help you set limits for yourself. Yes, this will not solve all of the problems in our world right now, but it will allow us to get in a better head space.

I honestly just wish that I could also comfortably spend time outside with my friends to help me get through my Social Media Cleanse, but this seems to be working for now anyways.

Honestly, it’s hard to be okay right now and I’m tired of trying so hard to be. I keep hoping that things will get better, but they just seem to be getting worse and worse. Hopefully this Social Media Cleanse and also keeping myself productive during this chaotic time will help. Everyone copes with this pandemic differently, I guess. Just take care of yourselves okay, guys?

Disclaimer: The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition.

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17 thoughts on “Try Screen Time for iOS – Limit your Social Media Usage this Pandemic”

  1. Pingback: 11 Steps to Finally Get Over Your Quarantine Fling! (or Someone You Met on Dating Apps) – Christian Foremost

  2. Pingback: Social Media Cleanse: 7 Ways to Disconnect to Reconnect – Christian Foremost, Your Gay Best Friend | Philippines

  3. β€œDon’t you agree that social media is just super toxic for your mental health right now?” It requires moderate usage. And YES! β€œThere is a way to limit our daily usage.” For me, do something purposeful and meaningful and not neglecting my responsibilities in doing house chores.

    β€œSo if your mental health is already suffering because of too much time on social media, using this app will help you set limits for yourself.” How about no social media at all? Mental health issues have been around even before the rise of social media and it will be around for who knows when.

    If there is anything that I cling on, that is the mantra that Taylor taught me, β€œBoredom, passivity, stagnation: these are the beginning of the mental illness, which propagates itself like the scum on a stagnant pond.” I mentioned it in one of my blogs in β€œLOCKDOWN: THINGS WE CAN DO IN THE STILLNESS OF TIME.”

  4. blair villanueva

    I guess most phones have this feature but it is underrated. Yeah, screen time is important, and for me, the most effective way is when my battery got drained πŸ™‚

  5. My Huawei Y9s also has a similar feature called Digital Balance. I also tweak the notification settings of all my apps in case I temporarily disable it, so that when during my down time (enjoying Netflix etc), I don’t get bombarded with messages that can be dealt with the following day.

  6. I’m an android/Asus user and we have ZenScreen to help us limit our social media usage. Another added feature is ‘Calm Nights’ – Set a time and the phone will block apps every day so we can have a calm night. I’m insomniac so this really helps me. 😊

  7. i tried to do it when there were so much fighting and hatred in social media. but then, i rechanneled my energy to making videos so now, I am still on social media but more on creating contents. my sons’ school’s IT Director had this advise for us parents: there are 2 things your children can be in social media: they are either consumers or creators…. i got that message and since then I convince my sons to be at least be the creator kind. they see me doing that also.

  8. May De Jesus-Palacpac

    I usually try to detox from social media on Christmas season. I don’t accept any campaigns or promo on that season kasi i really want to take the opportunity to be with family. I work online kasi and social media is a huge part of my day. But I get breaks on Christmas seasons, so I grab that.

  9. Hazel Salcedo

    This is so helpful, Christian. I might actually try this! Thanks for sharing the step by step guide. I’ve also been hearing about this from my techie boss dati, hindi ko lang magamit noon kasi my work is so tied up with social media πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

  10. I’ve already tried this one but I’m lacking discipline. So I decided na sa sarili ko na lang haha. Then makikita ko na lang bigla magnonotify yung screen time, 7hrs yung average ko per day. Might as well icustomize ko na uli for a week.

  11. For me, it’s difficult to block social media especially now that I’m also managing a simple online micro-business that I needed to promote everywhere. It truly is very toxic to keep hearing everyone’s sentiments regarding political and social issues. These days, people get triggered easily. I really get you and I want to block that out as well. However, I might be able to do this during Sundays as this is my designated rest day. Thank you for the great read though! πŸ™‚

    1. This is a great app though for me it is hard to limit my social media usage. Huhuhu! Maybe because I am on work from home set up right now and usually using Messenger and Viber as tool of communication. But during the 1st month of the pandemic I manage to had my IG social detox for a month maybe because of the stress in work and adjusting from a WFH set-up and I guess it feels good.

  12. sa samsung kaya, meron? hehe! yeaaah we cant afford nga not to use socmed especially if your work is related to it. ang pahinga ko lang sa phone actually is when i sleep. but 15-18 hours a day im online because of work, leisure and content creation and anything related to it. pero the best nga if we take a rest even for a short time lang. i tried a month no instagram nun me time na me issue na malaki na na connect ako. refreshing din naman.

  13. Hey, you know what, this is so tempting to do but I handle brands’ social media. But I hear you! We need social media cleanse, that’s why in my version, I unfollow unnecessary voices I extremely dislike! hihi, whoops!

  14. You know, I tried this screen limit thing but I keep on asking for more time especially when I’m having so much fun watching funny videos, which by the way helps me forget how toxic social media is. It really needs self-discipline, tho. Pero you would know naman when it’s already too much for yourself. I’ve been battling w/ my anxiety and I have to agree that this helps too. I limit myself to 2hours everyday.

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