Written by Marielle Michaela

I love music, and that’s a fact. And because of this love for music, I wanted to find a way to share my musical discoveries and artists that has, somehow, became a big part of my life. Luckily, I am fortunate enough to use Sewer Rant as an outlet to share these with everyone. I specifically listen to Jazz and Rock music, and that’s one thing that you should expect me to write about first. But, I also want to expose myself to different genres of music as much as I wanted my readers to be exposed to them. It will be a continuous learning experience — I know — but the feeling of being able to hear a new song that’ll change my mood for the entire day, and being able to tell it to all, makes it all worth it.
What is it?
YourMusix is a mini blog series that I created to share the music that I have loved for the past years, and at the same time introduce people to artists that may be unfamiliar to them. I also wanted to open people to different kinds of music genre, and try to pique their interest on music that they haven’t listened to before.
What’s on it?
1. Facts, of course!
In everything, this is something that won’t be off the list. Some of the facts that I’ll list may or may not be familiar to you already, but it’s great to know some fun new facts, right? Especially if it will be the first time you will be hearing of the artist.
2. Interested about our featured artist? Start listening
I won’t be dragging out and just list every featured artist. I will also include what of their music you should start listening to. Of course, you need to start out somewhere right? And my goal is to guide you there. You’ll never know, that might be the gateway to adding that artist to your Spotify playlist.

3. A personalized playlist, just for you!
I’ll post a YouTube playlist (of at least ten songs) to the music of the artist that I have personally listened to, enjoyed, and have loved. Of course, there are no two people alike when it comes to music taste. So through this platform, I will be happy to create your music playlist according to your liking, to help you truly enjoy and appreciate their artist.
4. Know unknown (or known) musicians
This will also be a platform to promote new artists and to generate a whole new audience for them. But that doesn’t mean that famous artists won’t be here as well. In fact, we will feature several famous musicians as well that you might have forgotten or have not listened to before. Every posts will make sure that you will have a whole new appreciation for the featured artist, and be able to enjoy their music as much as I have.

Excited? Me too.
Music touches lives. It personally touched my life. I am so excited to write, promote several bands and musicians, and introduce every single one to music that I truly love. I really hope you will enjoy reading this series in the future, as much as I have, and will enjoy, writing YourMusix: Your Music, Your mix.
See you in my next blog post!
Marielle Michaela <3
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