Ready-to-Cook Vegan Isaw by The Delizioso – Try this Easy Recipe at Home!

Early this year, I decided to clear up my diet. No more fast food, sugar, and processed foods for this guy. Staying away from unhealthy food wasn’t actually as difficult as I feared. The satisfaction I used to get from ice cream and instant noodles could actually be easily replaced by fruits, salads, oats, and wheat bread. I wasn’t torturing myself at all because I loved healthy alternatives, not just because of the nutritional benefits, but the natural tastes as well!

Ready-to-Cook Vegan Isaw by The Delizioso - Try this Easy Recipe at Home!

If there was one fatty food that I do miss, it’s isaw, especially those from the ihawan sa kanto-kanto (street food stalls). If you’re not aware of isaw, it is one of the famous street foods here in the Philippines beloved by many Filipinos, especially high schoolers, college students, and even working adults. Isaw is chicken intestines skewered, marinated, and grilled on top of burning coals. It tastes best when you buy it out on the streets and you could enjoy it with vinegar or a very special sauce made by the street vendor.

But guess what? I could still enjoy my favorite isaw at home. No need to worry about high cholesterol or going outside during a pandemic looking for street vendors who may or may not be sanitary. And how is that possible? With Vegan Isaw of course!

Read-to-Cook Vegan Isaw packs that you could prepare yourself in the comforts of your own home. This is one of the latest menu items from The Delizioso. You may remember them from a non-sponsored blog post before Let’s Go on a Smoothie Cleanse with The Delizioso Detoxify Smoothies! I love their products so much that here’s another blog post of me just gushing about their healthy food items.

Ready-to-Cook Vegan Isaw by The Delizioso – Try this Easy Recipe at Home!

The Vegan Isaw is made from soy protein and comes in 100g packs, dehydrated. It’s vegan, zero cholesterol and still closely tastes like our favorite street food. You could easily tell the difference between vegan isaw and the real thing. They both are rubbery to chew, but vegan isaw has a bit of a rougher texture and its taste will highly depend on the flavor of your marinade.

You don’t need to worry though because I will be teaching you guys the steps on how to prepare Delizioso’s Vegan Isaw at home:


Preparation Time:

3-4 hours


  1. Soak the dehydrated isaw in hot water for 15-20 mins and then, squeeze. Repeat this step for 2-3 times.

2. Prepare the barbeque marinade. Mix together soy sauce, catsup, sugar, pepper, calamansi, and oil in a bowl.

Note: You can also experiment and try coming up with your own mixture for the marinade. Try adding tomato paste or maybe oyster sauce, or even chili if you’d like!

3. Once isaw has finished soaking. Pour barbeque sauce and let marinate for 2 hours or more.

4. Skewer the isaw on the barbeque sticks.

5. Brush the barbeque sauce on the skewered isaw while grilling. You may use a stove-top griller or it can also be grilled on a pan.

6. Let cook until your vegan isaw sticks turn a darker shade of brown and then serve with your favorite vinegar. Yum!

Order a 100g pack of Ready-to-Cook Vegan Isaw at The Delizioso Facebook Page to try it out yourself! They’re super affordable at only Php. 99.00 a pack. One pack can make up to 35 sticks or more.

I feel like I’m biased because I do like tofu and vegan isaw has become my go-to snack. I don’t even bother putting it on sticks anymore. I just eat it like I would eat fries. I could easily finish a 100g pack in one sitting so I always have to have my own stock of vegan isaw for the week.

If you guys have other healthy alternatives for me to try out, please do let me know in the comments below. I am trying to fix up my diet cause all this consistent workout has to lead somewhere. I mean abs please, am I right? Hahaha. I already know what else to write for you guys. How about a 30-day ab workout challenge ALL or NOTHING? Hahahaha. Maybe then, I’ll finally get somewhere? Let’s get to it then!

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16 thoughts on “Ready-to-Cook Vegan Isaw by The Delizioso – Try this Easy Recipe at Home!”

  1. It was Sunday and so I tried this recipe by you and now I have no words about how yummy and delicious it turned out to be. My family appreciated me a lot and that really made ,e happy.

  2. blair villanueva

    This is awesome for those cravings for isaw! Though I still prefer the traditional isaw and wait for kuya to cook it while chit-chatting about life, lol.

  3. Staying away from fast food? I can’t think I can ever do that. Haha. That’s part of my stress busting routine, but I think I should give it a try.

  4. Naintriga ako dito! Will check this out and try din soon. Btw, good luck on your diet. Whenever you think Hindi mo na kaya, just remember the benefits that you will get if you eat healthy food

  5. Looks really good! Coincidentally, we just ordered isaw with barbecue a few days ago, haha, and all because namiss ko talaga ang isaw na paborito ko.

    I’ll check this out when I find the chance.

  6. Wow I didn’t know such a thing exists! I don’t eat isaw but with your recommendation, I think I’m gonna have to try it soon. It looks delicious and the fact that is vegan really convinced me. So cool! 🙂

    xoxo,Cielo Fernando | The Girl Behind the Pen

  7. This is really creative. I haven’t tried the vegan isaw but with the recipe you provided I’m sure I’m gonna try it one of these days.

  8. Now THIS is isaw I can try! I’ve never been a fan and I’ve never had it before either – it’s just not my cup of tea. This one though, being soy, is doable for me! I love tofu as well regardless of how it’s cooked so I’m totally on board! Meron palang ganito? Lahat talaga may healthy alternatives no? Sweet!

  9. Hi Christian! It’s my first time to hear of vegan Isaw and it doesn’t look bad! Pwede na! Since I am also into tofu, I guess I can also appreciate this. Oh by the way, good luck and congrats on your new diet. It seems hard but eating healthier has rewards in the end. Wish I was determined like you! 🙂 Stay safe – Danica

  10. yay! pati isaw ano, meron ng mga ready to cook. nakakamiss naman kasi mga ihaw ihaw talaga sa labas tapos magsasawsaw dun sa suka. eh ngayon nakakatakot na po sumawsaw.

  11. How I wish I could buy a vegan isaw here in California. Very creative tlaga ang Filipinos and mapraan, imagine they made an Isaw out of veggies. Nice tlaga. It’s hard to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle but it’s fulfilling…

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