Filipino Food Bloggers to Follow for Trending Food/Restaurant Recommendations in Manila 2023

With their honest and comprehensive reviews, vlogs, mukbangs, recipes, and food pron pictures that would absolutely leave your mouth watering, these Filipino Food Bloggers got you all covered. Discover new food cravings and get all the information you need from these trusted foodie influencers! With this blog, I’ll be introducing my friends one by one and including links to their websites, Youtube channels, and other social media accounts like Facebook, and Instagram. Make sure you guys give them a follow, okay?

Filipino Food Bloggers to Follow for Trending Food/Restaurant Recommendations in Manila

Filipino Food Bloggers to Follow on Instagram!

One of the hardest questions we ask on a regular basis is “What do you want to eat?”. This simple query can leave a group of friends frustrated due to collective indecisiveness which would then result in HANGER. Hanger is the mixture of two very strong feelings: hunger and anger which can only be resolved by immediate consumption of delicious food. Now to prevent your friends from being HANGRY, we must plan ahead what to eat beforehand.

I’m not a food blogger, but I do have a bunch of friends who are Filipino Food Bloggers that I’d like you to meet. They will give you the trendiest food and restaurants in Manila that you and your friends just have to check out. No more waiting to decide where to eat, because these must-follow filipino food bloggers will tell you exactly where to go!

The Hungry Traveller PH

About: A couple who loves to explore new places and try out new dishes in each restaurant they visit.

Facebook: The Hungry Traveller PH
Instagram: The Hungry Traveller PH
YouTube: The Hungry Traveller PH


About: Buzzsetter is owned by couple blogger Jacque and Kristian, who love to blog and vlog about travel, food, lifestyle, entertainment, and tech globally. We want everyone to enjoy life and keep up-to-date with the latest trends.

In fact, Buzzsetter is one of your reliable go-to-site where you can find all your favorite instragrammable places, travel, staycations, and food in the Philippines and around the world. Buzzsetter is formed from two words, ‘Buzz‘ and ‘Setter“ Buzz is for the latest news trends and ‘Setter’ is that we started a trend. It also focuses on lifestyle, music, tech, and entertainment.

Facebook: Buzzsetter
Instagram: Buzzsetter
YouTube: Buzzsetter

Your Tita Ja

About: Tagaytay knows Tita Ja for coffee. She shares her passion for writing and brewing through her blog with the hope of inspiring others to rediscover themselves.

Facebook: Your Tita Ja
Instagram: Your Tita Ja
YouTube: Your Tita Ja

Food Flings PH

About: Jowjow’s FLINGS with food & stuff. Southie Foodie Lifestyle Blogger.

Facebook: Food Flings PH
Instagram: Food Flings PH


About: Couple bloggers from BGC with an insatiable hunger for fine food and adventure.  Capturing the perfect union of food and travel, one frame at a time.

Facebook: FoodxTravel
Instagram: FoodxTravel
YouTube: FoodxTravel

Happy and Busy Travels

About: We are Happy (Katrina Tiong) and Busy (Dave Remulla). We are a couple who loves to eat, explore, travel, and do a lot of activities. We would like to share our experiences that’s why we have decided to put up a blog. We hope that our readers get some ideas by reading through our blogs.

Travel with Karla

About: Karla is a teacher who loves traveling. Besides her personal journey about blogging and fitness, she also creates travel guides, food reviews, movie reviews, and even product reviews.

Facebook: Travel with Karla
Instagram: Travel with Karla
YouTube: Travel with Karla

Hungry Travel Duo

About: 2 best friends exploring the world one plate at a time. Travel x Food x Lifestyle Blog. Tina x Karla.

Facebook: Hungry Travel Duo
Instagram: Hungry Travel Duo

Jellybeans in the City

About: Someone who acts/plays hard-headed, but really is soft at heart. Like how a jelly bean is hard on the outside and soft in the middle. I am a FOODIE. I like to try out new cuisines, discover new restos and savor my favorite dishes again and again.

Facebook: Jellybeans in the City
Instagram: Jellybeans in the City
YouTube: Jellybeans in the City

The Gastronomer’s Diary

About: This diary contains narratives and images on the food expeditions the gastronomers have gone to. Although we are not official food experts, we are definitely food lovers. We write our own humble thoughts about the food and take our simple photos using our humble cellphone cameras. We write from our personal point of view, may it be the first time we taste a certain kind of food, or in comparison to another restaurant’s version.

Facebook: The Gastronomer’s Diary
Instagram: The Gastronomer’s Diary

The Misadventures of FraPao

About: We’re Francis and Paola & we are The Misadventures of FraPao. Our content is all about Food and Lifestyle. We are a couple vloggers who do vlogs about our Family, food adventures, travels, events, product/restaurant reviews, and anything that comes our day.

Facebook: The Misadventures of FraPao
Instagram: The Misadventures of FraPao
YouTube: The Misadventures of FraPao

Travel Eat Pinas

About: Mommy.Foodie. Traveler. Lifestyle

Facebook: Travel Eat Pinas
Instagram: Travel Eat Pinas

Untold PH

About: We DISCOVER the untold and CONNECT to the people by sharing our experience. We are adventure seekers who aim to travel to different places in the Philippines that are uncommonly visited by many. As our fellow adventure seekers discover new places and build their networks, they’ll be engaging in activities that will make their experience remarkable and something they would love to do again.

Facebook: Untold Phillippines
Instagram: Untold Phillippines

Wild and Sassy Blog

About: Wild And Sassy is a blog by Elaine Dogelio wherein she shares her Tagaytay way of life, daily musings, beauty discoveries, travel escapes, and of course, food adventures!

Facebook: Wild and Sassy Blog
Instagram: Wild and Sassy Blog
YouTube: Wild and Sassy Blog

Adventures with Docah

About: Chemical Engineers / DIY Travellers. A couple sharing their memories and tips of their off the beaten path experiences plus more!

Facebook: Adventures with Docah
Instagram: Adventures with Docah
YouTube: Adventures with Docah


About: Eat, Live and Travel. All things that I love.

Facebook: AppleShiii
Instagram: AppleShiii
YouTube: AppleShiii


About: A collection of DIY travel stories, tips, and tricks of BERN.

Facebook: Bern Travels
Instagram: Bern Travels
YouTube: Bern Travels


Facebook: Chryzhpontaneous
Instagram: Chryzhpontaneous
YouTube: Chryzhpontaneous

Diamond in the Rough

About: The blog of a foodie and a traveler. Cooking is my therapy. Food is my love language.

Facebook: Diamond in the Rough
Instagram: Diamond in the Rough

Explore with Zjan

About: I’m a Content Creator, who inspire and influence. Also, a Dreamer & Wanderer at heart who loves to explore and collect more memories through photos and now videos! Always in the mood to share good vibes.

Facebook: Explore with Zjan
Instagram: Explore with Zjan
YouTube: Explore with Zjan

Hey It’s Jacque

About: Jacque is a Travel, Lifestyle, and Food Blogger since 2008. A Lasallian Registered Nurse who loves to travel, talk about life experiences, and take random photos.

Facebook: Hey It’s Jacque
Instagram: Hey It’s Jacque

Sand Under My Feet

About: I started a blog as a past-time to take my mind off from the routines of daily life and with the goal of relating to anyone by sharing my life experiences and things that I am deeply passionate about.

I am a registered nurse by profession. I love clothes, make-up, and beauty products. I love sewing and doing arts and crafts. I love to DIY almost everything. I love to eat. I love to travel when time and finances permit it. I love weddings and events. I love the beach and the feel of sand under my feet.

Facebook: Sand Under My Feet
Instagram: Sand Under My Feet
YouTube: Sand Under My Feet

Team Uy PH

About: A family of three who are frequent travelers and always seeking new adventures.

Facebook: Team Uy PH
Instagram: Team Uy PH
YouTube: Team Uy PH

About: Menu PH has a single purpose: to give thorough food and price information about Philippines restaurants. The restaurants we cover vary from some of the top worldwide fast-food brands to smaller companies found exclusively in the Philippines.

Facebook: Menu PH

What do you guys think of these Filipino Food Influencers?

What do you guys think of the list? I’m sure you guys found some new food bloggers to follow! As someone who is sick and tired of eating from the same old fast-food chains, I have to say that my taste for good food has been enriched by these food bloggers’ recommendations. If you and your friends are the kinds of people who are adventurous with food and always want to try something new, you better go and check out these food bloggers and stay tuned for their future posts! Please feel free to share your own thoughts and opinion on their food recommendations if they really were worth it!

I would also like to recommend these Filipino food bloggers to those who are starting their food business, whether it be online or with a physical location. Just send these influencers a message on any of their social media accounts and they will for sure help you out by putting your product in front of their large audiences.

There’s nothing like good food! I’m too lazy to cook, so it’s either ordering in or dining out in a restaurant for me. Super excited to go and explore the websites and social media accounts of these food bloggers and see what I could try out next. Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Korean food, pizza, pasta, burgers, chicken, coffee, or desserts? I’ll put anything in my mouth!

Let’s take a seat, slow down and enjoy every bite out of life.

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26 thoughts on “Filipino Food Bloggers to Follow for Trending Food/Restaurant Recommendations in Manila 2023”

  1. HUY WALA AKO charrrooot! im not a foodie talaga!!! hahaha nadadamay lang. but yes following these ladies and gents and thanks to them for the big help!!! especially love Jellybeans in the City kasi kapit baranggay ko i get to look at food that are near us.

  2. Blair Villanueva

    Thanks for introducing us to these awesome food bloggers! I honestly more rely on the recommendations of local food bloggers in choosing the food place to enjoy than from trad-media.

  3. Recently I am always lack of ideas for what interesting and new to prepare. Thanks for sharing these food bloggers. Much appreciated!

  4. Wow! What an amazing list of Filipino food bloggers! I’m hungry just looking at the photos! I can’t wait to see more of what they have to offer!

  5. I’m familiar with most of these Filipino food bloggers. I will check out the others. Food is always a great thing and it’s great to follow awesome food bloggers

  6. Melanie Edjourian

    Oh wow, that’s loads of great food bloggers to follow. Their feeds look great too. I might need to pop over and check them out and follow some of these guys.

  7. Such an awesome and detailed list, I love finding new food bloggers and Instagrams dedicated to food whenever I can. Thanks for giving all these creators a spotlight on your blog!

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