7 Tips To Prevent Burnout and Keep that Fire Burning!

tired woman in the library
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

Success is within our reach and as we continue doing our best job, we’ll ultimately be victorious! Our passion is burning hot and we’re willing to throw ourselves into the open flame because our desire is just that strong. You can love something so intensely that you’re willing to do whatever it takes, whatever has to be done. Your purpose is bigger than yourself and you may even get to help a lot of people. But, what if you don’t want to anymore? What if that love turns into hate, or worse, indifference?

Breakdowns, breakouts and only our dependency to caffeine fueling our addiction to work. Yes, you love what you’re doing, but if you don’t slow down, you may just be running face-first into burnout. You may suddenly collapse in a place where over-exhaustion makes you forget your potential, belittle your achievements, and question your talent and confidence. You may even begin to be anxious and fear what you used to comfortably do every single day. Don’t lead yourself into burnout because you may just get stuck and not find your way forward.

To help you guys keep that love for whatever work you’re doing, I’m listing 7 Tips on how to prevent Burnout, following my journey towards recovery from being a workaholic to a reasonably-chill dude.

7 Tips To Prevent Burnout and Keep that Fire Burning!

1. Don’t Let the Pressure Get to You

Time and people’s expectations are a lot to carry by yourself. Always being under that amount of pressure may just crush you at any moment if you don’t stay calm. Stop the doubt, the worries and the other anxious thoughts from circling and circling in your head. They will not help and may just cause you to make errors and even put yourself in an unnecessarily embarrassing situation.

Trust and be confident in yourself and in your work. You may not get rid of the pressure, but try not focusing too much on it. Handle pressure with a level of poise, grace and elegance. Know that your skills can you get you through it as long as you’re sure that you’re doing your best.

2. Focus on One Thing at a Time

Even when you have an overwhelming line-up of work to do for the day, don’t try and do them all at the same time. You have to focus on only one task and do it for as long as you have to. Assure the quality of your work by giving each the attention it needs. You’ll get all of your work done and cross them off your to-do list by the end of the day if you do them one by one. Also try to enjoy doing your work as you’re doing it. Don’t do anything just for the sake of getting stuff done.

3. Have a To-do List and Prioritize

We have deadlines to keep in mind and commitments to follow-through. We also have our own schedules and important stuff that we shouldn’t neglect in our days. It’s easy to drown under all of your responsibilities, especially when they’re so many you’re not even sure if you remember all of them.

So, I suggest listing all of your tasks at the start of your day and numbering them, ranking based on priority. Everybody has their own preferences on which stuff to prioritize. Some want the easier tasks done first because they take shorter amount of time to complete. Others may want to tackle the tough tasks firsts and finish the easy ones later on. No matter which you prefer, it’s good to get them out where you can see so you have a definite plan of action.

4. Give Yourself a Break and Make the Most of your Free Time

It’s honestly just exhausting, especially when you can’t even allow yourself a single minute to rest because something always needs to be done. The thought that may always be in your mind is “It will be smarter to use this time for something productive.” Time management may be the key, but organizing your day with a set of consecutive activities one after the other won’t do you much good.

Set even just one day in a week or even 2 hours in your day to with literally nothing. Take that free time to not worry about anything and just enjoy taking slow and deep breaths. You can also try meditation if you’re into that.

Develop a mindset of leaving work-stuff at work. Try to still have a life. Hang out with your friends and family more often. Take long times off and travel. Leave your problems behind because you can always get back to them when you’re ready. You’ll feel more refreshed and energized when you tackle them again when you return. Indulge in other random worldly pleasures like pop-culture, or I don’t know, dating?

5. Take Care of your Body and Mind

You’re only one person with an ownership to only one body and mind. You have to take care of yourself if you even want to be well or live long enough to see the fruition from all of your hard work. You can’t keep overextending yourself just to satisfy your unrealistic need to have everything you ever wanted right at this very moment.

6. Continue Learning

If you’re trying to be a writer like me, you can’t just keep writing and writing. You also have to read more and go out into the world and experience more in life to write about. You can’t keep expecting yourself to get better every time when you’re not allowing yourself to learn because all you do is work. Even when your work takes a huge amount of your time already, you have to squeeze in a few hours for gaining more knowledge. This is knowledge you can use to level-up your skills and improve the work you’re doing.

7. Enjoy What You’re Doing and Celebrate Your Milestones

You should still have fun with what you’re doing. Constantly try to challenge yourself and don’t be afraid to try stuff you don’t normally do. Work with people with similar interests and those that have that familiar drive to pursue their passion. Your end goal may still be a little blur in a distance, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate the how far you’ve already come. You deserve to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. You’re doing so great already and you should be excited for the many other things to come in the future. And of course, you can do it!

Disclaimer: The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition.

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Ma Theresa Montino Martinez
These are very helpful especially if we are burnout in our daily tasks. This reminded me to pause in a while. Even as a mom, I felt I got no right to feel burned out but no, I need a break too!

Homebound Mom
I love your tips. Been feeling a little down this week and I guess these are what I need to do. Thank you.

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0 thoughts on “7 Tips To Prevent Burnout and Keep that Fire Burning!”

  1. Such a great and helpful post! So important – and love all of your tips. I am guilty of forgetting to make a list to prioritize as well as taking a break! Definitely have to keep these in mind to not get burnt out. Thank you for putting such a great list together 🙂

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